Well, it’s been a minute.... several minutes. If we’re being exact it’s been somewhere around 155,000 odd minutes... if you want to talk about seconds that’s a whole different ball park. I apologize to those of you who take the time to check my blog and have been sorely disappointed by my inability to compose something. It’s just been an absolute roller coaster since the last time I wrote, in that week I was feeling less than myself and ever since then I’ve tried concurring everything thrown my way. Little had I thought that this would be slightly overwhelming. Rewarding, yet very overwhelming. I have started school back up again and it’s been such a great year so far. I’ve also picked up coaching, which is so much fun and I now understand why people coach. I love having a team that looks up to me when they have questions and listens to me and then succeeds. AND LASTLY, of course i'm still doing the hair thing. I really dove head first into my hair business the last few months and I can't believe what a success it has become in such a short amount of time. I've had people that I haven't spoken to in months reaching out to me and asking me if I can do their hair. I've had people from out of no where that I would have never expected reaching out to me popping up in my inbox.
I guess this was just a catch you up type of post... until next time.