Thursday, April 28, 2016


Being a hairstylist I spend a lot of time cutting kids hair as well as adults..Unlike most hairstylist though.. I LOVE kids haircuts, no matter what a pain it is to cut a moving targets hair. And of course I love adult talk and being able to ramble about politics and careers and adult-like humor but there is something truly special about being able to spend time communicating with little mini humans. Nothing makes my day more than being able to talk to a little kid that has a very unfiltered mind that will word vomit whatever comes to their mind. Lately, I have been taking a little bit of inventory on some of my favorite moments...
3 year old Charlie: "Where's Ben?! (Charlie's four year old brother)"
Me: *Twirls the chair around so that he can face his older brother in the chair next to us
C: "Wow Ben! You look like a popstar!"
M: *Laughs loudly and not very cute and continues to cut his hair.
C: "What?"
M: "What?"
C: "What?"
*This continues back and fourth for at least three minutes*
M: *Spikes up Charlies hair and faces him towards the mirror* "Wow Charlie you look like a popstar!"
C: "Wowwwww, I do look like a popstar, but miss.. I don't dance." *Hops down and trots away*

Few days before
Me: "Sam are you ready little man? I can take you back!"
3 year old Sam beams and runs my direction from the toy area at my work: "I want a fancy haircut!"
Me: "Oh a fancy haircut is that right? Well i'm sure that we can work something out."
Meanwhile this whole time Sam is literally grinning from cheek to cheek.
S: "And hair lady, i'm not a little boy actually.. I'm a big boy now, i'm already three."
M: "You are so right litt- I mean big man. You are such a big boy!"
I continue to give him the new "in" look for little boys with shorter on the sides- longer on top and a hard part. "Alrighty Sam does that look fancy enough?"
S: "Oh man, my dad is REALLY going to like this. I look really fancy huh mom, I'm going to look so fancy in my pictures. Can I have some gels now so I can look fanciest?

Random day
Me: "So who is your favorite superhero?"
Five year old boy: *Lists absolutely every superhero I can think of*
Me: "Who is your least favorite?"
Boy: "That girl one."

Several other occasions on the topic of "How old do I look?"
Five year old little girl: "I think you are 12." second guess: "I think you are 32."
Seven year old little boy: "You're 14 aren't you?" second guess: "counts up till he reaches 20 finally."
4 year old little boy: "Are you 60?" second guess: "are you 10?"

I'm sure from an outside perspective these won't be as appreciated as they were to me, but it's these little conversations that I get and having little contests to see who can cross their eyes best, or wiggle their ears or stay the most still during a haircut is so damn rewarding when you get to fill your piggy bank of good experiences with the most honest humans on the planet.

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